Laws of Chemical Combination

Concept Explanation

Laws of Chemical Combination

Ancient Indian and Greek philosophers believed that the wide variety of objects around us are made up of combinations of five basic elements: earth, fire, water, air and sky. These matter changes into different forms by chemical combinations. These chemical combinations of different elements and compounds follow a set of rules. There are mainly five basic rules of chemical combination of elements.

Laws of Chemical Combination:

Whenever reactants react together to form the products or the elements combine together to form a compound. This experimental work by Lavoisier, John Dalton and other scientists led to the formulation of certain laws. These laws are called laws of chemical combination.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The wide variety of objects around us are made up of combinations of five basic elements,out of the following identify those elements :

(a) Earth

(b) Fire

(c) Water

(d) Metal

(e) Air

(f) Sky

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

The Law of conservation of Mass or Matter is a Law of _______________________.

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

The law of chemical combination can be defined as ________________________.

Right Option : A
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